July 25, 2006

a wanna be TBN partner

'i want to be a member, take PAT off the air'

... a letter of mine to jan and paul crouch, founders of not just the largest "christian" television network in the world, but the largest television network in the world, period ... and while there is one show i will watch on TBN, "Davey & Goliath" ... that animated childrens series created in the 60s or 70s ... there's not too much else i can stomach for more than 10 minutes. BUT, every now and then, i find myself channel surfing and i catch glimmers of love and hope on that station ... this is my attempt to encourage that which is good that i see on the station and silence pat robertson all at the same time.

and, yes it was really, really difficult to write this letter without lying ... and the 'i want to become a member' was the hardest sentence to leave in and have it be the truth. then i realized this ... IF TBN started sharing a message of love and peace and non-violence, i would love to be a member of that! so, i found truth in that statement.

and, i really will become a member if they get rid of pat!

Paul and Jan Crouch, Founders
Trinity Christian City International
3150 Bear Street
Costa Mesa, CA  92626

Dear Paul and Jan:

I am a Christian from the born again evangelical tradition. My parents have supported TBN as long as I can remember. I want to support Christian broadcasting and I believe that the teachings and message of Jesus are needed now more than ever on our planet. There are many shows on your station I appreciate but there none that I can let my daughter watch. I so appreciate the growing diversity of your presentation of the Christian faiths and beliefs, and would like to encourage that more. I would like to become a member.

But I cannot.

Pat Robertson and The 700 Club are aired on your network Monday through Friday. I cannot support a "Christian" station who includes a daily dose of teaching that are in opposition to Jesus' simple commandment of loving one another.

On his show, Mr. Robertson has called for preemptive wars against nations and the murder through assignation of the leader of another neighboring nation. I think, from the programming I do see on TBN, you will agree with me that this leadership is in opposite of the teachings of Jesus and the ten commandments given by God.

I urge you to remove The 700 Club from your programming. I have not received a response to my several emails to TBN on this subject. I would like to become a member but as a steward of the money God has entrusted to me, I cannot do so with programming that is contrary to God's explicit commandments.

Thank you. I look forward to becoming a member of the largest, truly Christian, network on planet earth.

God bless,

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'


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