June 20, 2006

... surrender ... never!

Frist: Surrender in Iraq 'not a solution'
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist declared Tuesday that "surrendering is not a solution" in Iraq as Democrats embraced a proposal to start U.S. troop withdrawals this year, setting up an election-year debate on the war in the GOP-controlled Senate. 'We cannot retreat. We cannot surrender. We cannot go wobbly. The price is far too high,' said Frist, R-Tenn.

when i read this headline, the first thing that came to my mind was "i surrender all." that old hymn that we sung at least once a month, and while it is 'all to jesus i surrender', i wonder why "Christians," of which mr. frist claims to be a card carrying member, do not understand that it wasn't to jesus we were to surrender but to god we were to surrender. we were to surrender to things like the 10 commandments ... even though we cannot see how it will work out or how scared we are or how much we worry about another terrorist attack, we must not return in kind ... we must not become and do to others what they do to us. we must not kill or murder -- which is the only thing tanks, morter shells, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and bombs do. weapons and violence are the largest export of our nation.

we must trust that if i, my family, and us as a christian community decide "yes, i will surrender to the commandments of my lord", and we lay down our arms, and retreat to find ways to return the evil we see with love ... we will be just fine. protected and provided for by a god who is more than sufficient to care for us. i was taught that it was obedience to out of the love for god that is what i am here to do.

i guess that's why i am not a "Christian" and i am just a christian.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'


Blogger Beauty said...

We found it easy to understand why Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist declared "surrendering is not a solution" in Iraq. Policing and pacifying an alien people is not the job for the US military, an article was published in 2000, before 9/11 had changed American thinking. “The President must remember that the military is a special instrument. It is lethal, and it is meant to be. It is not a civilian police force. And it is most certainly not designed to build a civilian society.” Who was the author? It was Condoleezza Rice, who was foreign policy adviser to George Bush, then a Republican candidate for the presidency. She is now the Secretary of State. But does she & others understand that to turn the other cheek is now the only way out of Iraq? The US performed a great job in removing an evil dictator, a lot of people are grateful but overstaying a welcome in any culture is considered rude. It is time to say sorry, surrender and end the loss of lives. "Memories mellow with the passing of time" HM The Queen.

3:02 AM  

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