November 19, 2014

"The Noble Wife Ring" and This Blog

Once upon a time, I joined "The Noble Wife Ring" for a very broadly defined "christian" themed blogs of wives -- this Blog was my offering.  I am still a "wife," I'm just a former wife or an "ex-wife" instead of a "wife" now.

Yes, it has been over a year now since we officially "cancelled our marriage."  And, officially, on June 22, 2013, that's what we agreed to do, cancel our marriage.  The redefinition of one another no longer as husband and wife, has been a long process that we have been working on probably harder than we ever worked on our marriage.

That last statement made me sad.  Yet it's true.  Mostly, I think, because for those final years we were working on our marriage to try to make it work, but really as we did that, we did the work on ourselves and discovered that we don't really want to be married (as we now understand that concept) to one another.

Will we always be the parents of our daughter and work together for her benefit, absolutely.  Will we always be friends, yes, but maybe not the 'best friends' that married couples have to be in order to have the most intimate relationship possible.

So, I'm a noble former wife -- as we do not use the terms "Ex-Wife" and "Ex-Husband" so that others may not automatically ascribe the types of stereotypes those expressions most often held by so many who have lived through the hell of divorce.  We enjoyed a very simple cancellation and are reforming our co-parenting relationship from there.

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Keystone Choices

Sanity prevailed.

The True Stewards of God's Creation of Mother Earth have stepped forward and will continue to do so to defeat all those who would come against and destroy the beauty of nature that sustains life as it was created.

Human advancements notwithstanding, there comes a time when "OK.  That is enough." is the measure of the day.

Beyond that comes those seven deadly sins we always hear about but never seem to want to recognized when they start to rear their ugly heads -- in fact, I don't even think that by the time we recognize them, we can see them for ourselves.

When its really time to take action, we need help seeing the insidious integration of those sins and how they manifest in our world, often in the minute nuances of our realities that create a spectrum upon which other's may see and warn us of the fruits of those sins when they appear once again present choices.

Gluttony, Vanity, Pride and Greed are most definitely the ones taking center stage in the battle for the life of our natural world.  Keystone was defeated today, let's hope that we have chosen for our KEY to be protection of that which we have been given stewardship over and that we put to rest and restore in balance to bear the fruits of the spirit and a healthy planet once more.  To harken the warning is to take action to do what our planet calls the True Stewards to take care of now:  #ClimateActionNow

WWJD?  Jesus would be an environmental activist, of course!  what do you think he would do?!

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