h8rs n the name of Less Than Three
love can bring out the worst in us.
I look at the simple symbol we use in text, <3 for="" less="" love.="" p="" than="" three="">and hating is that, isn't it? exclusion of the other in the name of God?
If God and I are one, and I can hate you and exclude you from my experience, perhaps I am operating with less than the Love intended to experience on earth. Duality is never just you and me, us and them. Its always trinity when Beliefs are integrated in the design by one or the other.
Trinity <3 because="" i="">U is the truth, except when its not.3>
Don't be a h8r, don't deny someone else's liberty to say I<3u a="" and="" at="" because="" brought="" but="" cannot="" certainly="" conflict="" don="" earth="" even="" find="" for="" girl="" god="" hard="" has="" home.="" how="" human="" i="" if="" igh="" imagine="" in="" intended="" just="" least="" look="" love="" magine="" marry="" may="" me.="" me="" much="" my="" nbsp="" no="" not="" on="" one="" only="" or="" own="" p="" parents="" plan="" planet="" relationship="" rong.="" s="" say="" sexual="" strife="" t="" that="" the="" their="" think="" to="" together="" true="" ts="" understand="" want="" was="" what="" who="" you="">
Searching for the right one God sent for me, doesn't mean accepting what I think it means, it means accepting what is God's plan, and that may be undefined according to man.
Just thoughts as we explore this notion of what Christianity is and is not.
Don't hate, love and accept. Start there, I'm sure we'll get it. One relationship at a time.
I look at the simple symbol we use in text, <3 for="" less="" love.="" p="" than="" three="">and hating is that, isn't it? exclusion of the other in the name of God?
If God and I are one, and I can hate you and exclude you from my experience, perhaps I am operating with less than the Love intended to experience on earth. Duality is never just you and me, us and them. Its always trinity when Beliefs are integrated in the design by one or the other.
Trinity <3 because="" i="">U is the truth, except when its not.3>
Don't be a h8r, don't deny someone else's liberty to say I<3u a="" and="" at="" because="" brought="" but="" cannot="" certainly="" conflict="" don="" earth="" even="" find="" for="" girl="" god="" hard="" has="" home.="" how="" human="" i="" if="" igh="" imagine="" in="" intended="" just="" least="" look="" love="" magine="" marry="" may="" me.="" me="" much="" my="" nbsp="" no="" not="" on="" one="" only="" or="" own="" p="" parents="" plan="" planet="" relationship="" rong.="" s="" say="" sexual="" strife="" t="" that="" the="" their="" think="" to="" together="" true="" ts="" understand="" want="" was="" what="" who="" you="">
Searching for the right one God sent for me, doesn't mean accepting what I think it means, it means accepting what is God's plan, and that may be undefined according to man.
Just thoughts as we explore this notion of what Christianity is and is not.
Don't hate, love and accept. Start there, I'm sure we'll get it. One relationship at a time.
Labels: abuse, born again, equal marriage, evangelical, GodLove, haters, NoBullies, tolerance, training of child, YRtheyMean, Zombie Apocalyptic Script
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