May 16, 2006

... a mother acting ...

well, today's Yahoo! headlines just made me do it ....

Bush to Send Up to 6,000 Troops to Border

a new blog ... i titled it "i am a free american".

it is my version of the declaration of indendence ... because it is time to free myself from the power mr. bush can exercise over me.

because, in word and in action, I LOVE MY NEIGHBOR as jesus taught me to.

i DO NOT put an armed guard on my property line ...

this is not political, this is spiritual.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'


Blogger Unknown said...

I am moved with compassion. I am saddened to know people actually feel this way. Your blog is dark and sad, I wish you had really come to know the God you so oppose and the Christians you deem suspect. Perhaps one day you will grow past this. I know one thing, the ideas and teachings you study, move you farther from the true God every time you indulge yourself with them.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Beauty said...

To Ken: A man was burned at the stake as a heretic for his ideas In the Campo di Fiora on 17 February 1600. His crime "Libertes philosophica", the right to think, to dream, if you like, to make philosophy. "the stars are an infinity of suns like our own, each circled by worlds inhabited by intelligent beings like ourselves", Giordano Bruno. "I know one thing, the ideas and teachings you study, move you farther from the true God every time you indulge yourself with them", Ken. That comment is not new, read your bible with an open mind.

1:37 PM  

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