the bible is THE word of god
... or the difference between "the" ('thuh') and "The" ('thee') ...
i memorized this version when i was a small child ...
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (king james version)
16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
that scripture in particular is used time and time and time again to say that the bible is "The" word of god. the only word, usually. hmmmmm ... interesting.
it was interesting to me when i was in 3rd grade too ... i have less than a handful of teachers i remember, and mrs. kempton was one of them. as a student at a 'christian' school, we studied the bible every day. i had already memorized those verses of the bible whether for sunday school or just as one of my parent's required passages, when we began to study paul's letter to timothy in our class.
my hand went up ... i have a question.
i had learned that "scripture" was, "a sacred writing." i learned about the construction of the bible by emperor constantine. i was taught about the various authors of the books of the bible and their context and purposes. i had just learned that the books we were studying, timothy, were really a series of letters from paul to timothy.
and then we get to this part of our lesson ... my question was simple, "what scripture is paul writing about?" obviously, it could not have been the bible, the bible did not exist nor would paul even in his most grand ego trip consider the letters he was writing as scripture.
i suppose he could, but i just don't think that when paul was writing to timothy he was projecting that this letter here would be included in a book compiled by the command of the emperor of the roman empire and hence forever be called a scripture to which he would then be referring to in his letter.
my teacher, gave me a round about answer that really didn't answer my question. she just repeated that the bible is a scripture and that it is god's word. i was puzzled ... thankfully, so was she.
several days later, she spoke with me alone on the subject. she had discussed it with the school principal and others, and said at this school, what paul's letter to timothy meant that the bible was inspired by god and that the bible is "The" word of god. AND ... this is why she was a GOOD teacher ... she went on to say, that i was right. paul could not have possibly been talking about the bible, and that there were many scriptures paul was referring to in his letter to timothy.
that teacher gave me freedom. she gave me the freedom to believe that the bible is "the" word of god, but not "The" word of god. and while i believe that one may find god from the bible alone, the bible is not the only way to find god, and that god has inspired scripture after scripture after scripture after scripture; and continues to breath life in sacred writings even today.
for "christians" to continue in their claim that the bible is "The" word of god cuts them off from "the" word of god which has no judgment in love based on so many things created by man. it creates "us" and "them" and the separation from one another that they can never possibly bridge holding so tightly to "The" word of god. "The" word of god chokes the life from their lips, and allows the lie that paul's words to timothy create an exclusive scripture by which god speaks to man.
"the word of god is a lamp," let it light your journey and teach you that 'all scriptures are inspired by god', and know that jesus would care less that people knew his name or believed in him if they were seeking god in whatever scripture they chose.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
i memorized this version when i was a small child ...
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (king james version)
16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
that scripture in particular is used time and time and time again to say that the bible is "The" word of god. the only word, usually. hmmmmm ... interesting.
it was interesting to me when i was in 3rd grade too ... i have less than a handful of teachers i remember, and mrs. kempton was one of them. as a student at a 'christian' school, we studied the bible every day. i had already memorized those verses of the bible whether for sunday school or just as one of my parent's required passages, when we began to study paul's letter to timothy in our class.
my hand went up ... i have a question.
i had learned that "scripture" was, "a sacred writing." i learned about the construction of the bible by emperor constantine. i was taught about the various authors of the books of the bible and their context and purposes. i had just learned that the books we were studying, timothy, were really a series of letters from paul to timothy.
and then we get to this part of our lesson ... my question was simple, "what scripture is paul writing about?" obviously, it could not have been the bible, the bible did not exist nor would paul even in his most grand ego trip consider the letters he was writing as scripture.
i suppose he could, but i just don't think that when paul was writing to timothy he was projecting that this letter here would be included in a book compiled by the command of the emperor of the roman empire and hence forever be called a scripture to which he would then be referring to in his letter.
my teacher, gave me a round about answer that really didn't answer my question. she just repeated that the bible is a scripture and that it is god's word. i was puzzled ... thankfully, so was she.
several days later, she spoke with me alone on the subject. she had discussed it with the school principal and others, and said at this school, what paul's letter to timothy meant that the bible was inspired by god and that the bible is "The" word of god. AND ... this is why she was a GOOD teacher ... she went on to say, that i was right. paul could not have possibly been talking about the bible, and that there were many scriptures paul was referring to in his letter to timothy.
that teacher gave me freedom. she gave me the freedom to believe that the bible is "the" word of god, but not "The" word of god. and while i believe that one may find god from the bible alone, the bible is not the only way to find god, and that god has inspired scripture after scripture after scripture after scripture; and continues to breath life in sacred writings even today.
for "christians" to continue in their claim that the bible is "The" word of god cuts them off from "the" word of god which has no judgment in love based on so many things created by man. it creates "us" and "them" and the separation from one another that they can never possibly bridge holding so tightly to "The" word of god. "The" word of god chokes the life from their lips, and allows the lie that paul's words to timothy create an exclusive scripture by which god speaks to man.
"the word of god is a lamp," let it light your journey and teach you that 'all scriptures are inspired by god', and know that jesus would care less that people knew his name or believed in him if they were seeking god in whatever scripture they chose.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
Labels: freedom, god's word, scripture
Wow! I can honestly say that in all my years, I never had a sunday school teacher or private school teacher who was so honest and forthright--you were lucky!
The scripture Paul was talking about was the only sacred writing he knew of. It was the Torah.
You are very articulate, even tho I disagree with your belief that all sacred writing is inspired by God. It may be inspired by a god but not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who was revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. I'm sure you already know that I am a 'fundie'. Please don't mistake me for trying to beat you down with anything but Jesus Christ is The Word made Flesh. Meaning the plan of God coming to life. If he was who he said he was then you must believe what he said of himself. Jesus said, as you already know, that he was the way, the truth, and the life. The belief that all roads lead to God is utterly rejected by Old Testament and New Testament writings.
jason ... thanks, yes i was ...
cs ... hmmmm ... many levels to consider ... something for a new post ... "and the word became flesh" ...
again, "the word" could not mean the word of god as in "The Bible is The Word of God" ... what was john speaking about?
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
Here is how I learn a lot, it is adult education at its best but it is not formal education as I don't realise I am being educated. In his intellegent speech programme, Melvyn Bragg said;
"I'm fascinated by the fact that we live in a time when so many people are doing fantastic work, and thinking in areas which it's not remotely possible for me to keep up with & and these people are prepared to talk about it. They're prepared to come on In Our Time and other programmes on BBC Radio 4 and try and talk to the rest of us .."
The Bible as the word of god is another type of education but see below.
"Now have I seen him with my own eyes, knowing him in truth to be the wise Lord of the good mind and of good deeds and words." Thus spake the real Zarathustra, the prophet and founder of the ancient and modern religion of Zoroastrianism. It has claims to be the world's first monotheistic creed and perhaps as long ago as 1200 BC Zarathustra also said, "I point out the way, it is the truth, it is for all living". Truth is a central tenet of the religion which holds that people must above all do good things, hear good things and see good things.
John was speaking about the "divine expression, thoughts, plans" of God. The Holy Writ says, John 1:14 that the "logos" became flesh. The plan became concrete, the thought became expressed. The yearning of the prophets, judges, and believers was expressed by God in the flesh. Emmanuel. Was Jesus the Christ of Old Testament prophecy?
Daniel 9:26 states exactly when Messiah would come. It says before Jerusalem is destroyed. The Temple was destroyed in 70ad. What messianic figure came before that time? Jesus Christ. He even said it himself, that the temple would be destroyed afterward. If Jesus was the Christ then we must believe what he says concerning what is sacred writing. "Jhn 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." If a "sacred writing" points to anything other than to Jesus Christ then it can't be sacred at all.
nigeria ... so nice to see you!
cs ... i guess i just have one question, "what is the Holy Writ?" you reference.
beyond that, i would also comment that i agree with john, a search of the 'scriptures' (which i would consider the bible one of) will lead to that. but since john could NOT have been speaking of the bible, which is the only scripture that links Jesus with the prophesies of Daniel, the truth is greater. and, "ALL scripture" as paul and "the scriptures" john wrote about MAY be considered beyond the bible.
i'm not saying that it HAS to or even that it SHOULD, but those writers in the bible definitely pointed to other scriptures as being a part of god's plan ... and not that the bible could not do what they say on its own, but their teachings definitely close the door on any truth to the claim that the "Bible" is The ONLY word of god. is it "a word of god"? yes, absolutely BUT not the "ONLY one" or "THE one".
i'm still working on my comment above on john 1:1, its a back burner thing, but i will get to it.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
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